Submit a Complaint About
an Unsafe PFLAG Chapter

Regardless of what you believe about the causes of sexual preference, if you feel that a PFLAG chapter has not shown adequate respect for your beliefs, we can provide you with a wide variety of resources for correcting or coping with the problem. The odds are very good that we've contacted your chapter in the past, and we may know of someone at your chapter who is willing to support you. We can also refer you to contacts at PFLAG National and provide you with information about the national policies for handling this situation. And if all else fails and you decide you don't trust PFLAG to provide a safe environment for your parents, we may still be able to direct you to other sources of information and support to show to your parents as a substitute (albeit an inadequate one) for PFLAG.

Location of PFLAG Chapter (city, state, country):
In what year did the problem occur?
In what way did you feel that this PFLAG chapter showed hostility or favoritism toward a particular viewpoint about the causes of queerness?
Your Email Address (so we can contact you if we need more information):

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